How to use the Thai Verb ‘To Be’
เป็น bpen/, อยู่ /yùu/, คือ /kʉʉ/’
‘To be’ is a key verb in any language’s grammar and Thai is no exception. You will need to use this verb naturally in your speech to be able to talk Thai effectively.
1. Thai To Be Verb Rules | Bpen
‘bpen’ is always followed by a noun or noun phrase. When bpen is used as a verb to be in the sentence, the context is usually relating to the situation and the person.
In the negative sentence, we use the word mâi châi or mâi dâi bpen.
For examples;
/təə pen kon sǔay/ = You are beautiful person.
2. When to use Alternative | Yùu
‘yùu’ is used for describing anything related to the location.
In the negative sentence, we use the word mâi yùu or mâi dâi yùu.
For examples;
/aa-hǎan yùu nai dtûu-yen/ = Food is in the fridge.
3. When to use | Kʉʉ
3. kʉʉ is used when giving the explanation, clarification, description or definition.
‘kʉʉ’ has no negative form.
For examples;
/paa-sǎa Thai kʉʉ paa-sǎa tîi ngâai mâak/
= Thai language is very easy language.
I hope you enjoyed learning about this very important verb. This will help with all aspects of your Thai Grammar and Thai language.
By Prae
Thai Language Teacher