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Intermediate Thai LanguageThai Language Hut Logo Course

Intermediate Thai Language Course is for those that wish to move away from Phonetic and be introduced and develop good skills communicating using Thai Script.

Required Experience

To have either completed the Beginners Thai Language Course or have equivalent experience speaking phonetic Thai Basic experience with Thai Script would be advantageous but is not necessary.

Course Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to read, write and converse using Oral or Thai Script skills. They will be able to write short essays about their personal lives, work and topics of interest.

Phonetic or Thai Script

The Intermediate Thai Language Course although focused on transitioning students from Phonetic to Thai Script can be offered as a Phonetic course. We have many students who wish to increase their Phonetic skills before moving to the Thai Script. However, it is our recommendation that you move to the Thai Script as early as possible. Only through learning Thai Script can you truly interact within Thailand.

Not sure which course is for you then check our course recommendation diagram below:Thai Language Course Outline

Course LengthDescription Audience
90 HoursCommunication with more complex grammar and vocabulary in speaking and/or writing the Thai Language.Those who can communicate using basic Thai language or writing wishing to extend their knowledge.

Intermediate Thai Language Course Content

by Benjawan Poonsan Becker

Table of Contents

Guide to Pronunciation

Lesson 1
Directions; Thai place names; public holidays; provinces

Lesson 2
More directions; Bangkok place names

Lesson 3
Using “ให้”

Lesson 4
Using “การ” and “ความ”

Lesson 5
Using “ที่”, “ว่า” and “ถูก”

Lesson 6
Using “ใจ”, “ขี้” and “น่า”

Lesson 7
Thai names; food; desserts; English name used in Thai

Lesson 8
More about kinship terms; pronouns

Lesson 9
Using particles

Lesson 10
The twelve-year cycle; words from English

English Translation

Test Answers

Subject topics listed here relate to sections in the book and not actual lessons.

Plans and Pricing