Thai Soap Opera | ละครไทย
Learn about the Thai Soap Opera, roles and Vocabulary in this Thai Language blog.
“Lá-kawn ละคร” in Thai means “soap opera”. I am not a big fan of the Thai soap opera (faen lá-kawn แฟนละคร). I don’t like watching it much…maî koî châwp doo taô-raì ไม่ค่อยชอบดูเท่าไหร่ because I find it boring or naâ-buèh น่าเบื่อ.
Many Thai people are really addicted to the Lá-kawn (dtìd lá-kawn ติดละคร) and if you look at the T.V. programs (raai-gaan-toe-rá-tát รายการโทรทัศน์) of each channel (châwng ช่อง) you will see that there are plenty of soap opera queue up for being on-air (àwk-aa-gaàd ออกอากาศ). The highlight one is the one after the evening news (kaào-paâk-kâm ข่าวภาคค่ำ) about 8.20pm.
Thai Soap Opera Roles
In the Lá-kawn Thai, it is important to have these roles as follows:
1. Prá-aìk พระเอกis a man who plays a main character among the male characters and in Lá-kawn Thai you can easily notice who is the ‘Prá-aìk พระเอก’ by the way he looks…usually handsome (lòr หล่อ), rich (ruay รวย), smart (gêng เก่ง) and a nice person (kon-dee คนดี)
2. Naang-aìk นางเอก is a woman who plays the main character among the female characters. In Lá-kawn Thai you can easily notice who is the ‘Naang-aìk นางเอก’ by the way she looks…usually pretty (naâ-rák น่ารัก) or beautiful (suăy สวย), smart (gèng เก่ง). A typical Naang-aìk is usually poor (jon จน) and lives her life in a hardship (kwaam lam-baàk ความลำบาก)
3. Prá-rawng พระรอง is a man who plays a supporting role apart from the Prá-aìk พระเอก. Prá-rawng พระรอง is usually a nice and good-looking person and on the same side as Prá-aìk พระเอก or Naang-aìk นางเอก.
4. Naang-rawng นางรองis a woman who plays a supporting role apart from the Naang-aìk นางเอก. ‘Naang-rawng นางรอง’ is usually a nice person and pretty and also is on the same side as Naang-aìk นางเอก or Prá-aìk พระเอก.
5. Naang-raái นางร้ายis a woman who plays a supporting role and acts like a jealous woman who falls in love with the Prá-aìk พระเอกand tries to steal the Prá-aìk พระเอกaway from the Naang-aìk นางเอก. You can easily notice who is the ‘Naang-raái นางร้าย’ by the way she acts…usually screaming, pretending, slapping Naang-aìk’s face.
6. Dtua-gohng ตัวโกงis a man who plays a supporting role and acts like a bad guy or mafia and tries to eliminate or hurt the Prá-aìk พระเอก.
7. Dtua-dtà-lòk ตัวตลกis a man or a woman who plays a supporting role and acts in a funny way or say something funny.
8. Dtua-bprà-gàwb ตัวประกอบare the rest of the characters in the story that are less important than the other 7 as mentioned above.
Now you can understand more about Lá-kawn Thai when you watch it on the Thai T.V. It is a good way to practice your Thai skills through the Lá-kawn!
Hope you enjoyed watching lá-kawn Thai & learning Thai kâ
Kru Mulan