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Press Releases

Get with it – Language Learning delivered online and to mobile phones

Get with it – Paiboon Publishing and

Thai Language Hut School deliver personalized

mobility and online solutions to demanding customers

learning Thai and other Asian languages

The number one publisher of Thai language-learning materials, Paiboon Publishing, reaches a much wider audience and keeps up with strong market demand by delivering innovative Smartphone and Tablet apps, both for learners of Thai and other Southeast Asian languages. The publisher has also augmented their product offering by being the first publisher to provide private Thai language classes online, via their partner, Thai Language Hut School. Thus extending their leadership in the Southeast Asian language-learning market.

English speaking students of Southeast Asian languages are now expecting and demanding immediate, accessible and personalized learning at a reasonable price point. This is true for all students studying languages. This trend, driven by the relentless move of data first being accessible online and now by the rise of Smartphone and Tablet apps is making publishers sit up and take notice. Some publishers have recognized this change in customer demand and the progress of technology and have adapted well to them; such a publisher is Paiboon Publishing.

Between 2011-12 IDC states that the worldwide Smartphone market grew 44%, and according to the Internet World Statistic the Internet grew 34.8%. Paiboon Publishing estimates that the language application business is growing about 40% a year. Starting their app development process in 2011, Paiboon currently estimates that Smartphone apps constitute 50% of their product sales and this figure is set to grow as both the number of their titles and the number of Smartphone and Tablet users increase. This is indicative of a fast moving customer focused operation.

“We expect sales of our Paiboon Publishing Thai language Smartphone and Tablet apps to skyrocket in 2015 with the ASEAN Economic Community coming. The desire and actual need to learn Southeast Asian languages and particularly the Thai language will enlarge dramatically. Many more English speakers will be conducting business in Thailand and will need to talk with Thai-speaking business people, since Thailand is one of the major countries in ASEAN. The necessity for English speakers to communicate with other Southeast Asians will also increase,” Benjawan Poomsan Becker, President of Paiboon Publishing commented.

Paiboon is taking ASEAN very seriously, expanding their Thai language app product offerings with their Survival Thai for English Speakers app and upgrading their leading Thai-English Dictionary app. In addition to their existing Smartphone apps to learn Lao, Cambodian and Vietnamese, their Survivor series apps will be expanded to include Survivor Mandarin Chinese and Survivor Burmese for English Speakers.

The publisher also recognizes that many clients wish to have a teacher led language-learning experience, but with the flexibility that modern technology affords. Paiboon is the only Publisher of Southeast Asian language media to offer their customers personalized training online via Skype. Using Paiboon Publishing’s language materials, Thai Language Hut School delivers private lessons online or at their school in Bangkok. Thereby giving their customers the ability to define a customized program that fits in with their lifestyle and location. The school is also one of the first to offer Thai language lessons via Skype over 4 years ago, making it an industry leader.

“The synergy between Paiboon Publishing and Thai Language Hut School (TLHS) make for a perfect partnership. We deliver an excellent, customer focused solution regardless of the media or technology path used,” stated Nut Shee, Managing Director of TLHS.

As the size and influence of the Southeast Asian market continues to grow more people will realize the importance of good communication skills and the need to invest in high-quality language materials and techniques to conduct successful business ventures. Successful adaption of these skills will guide them through their journeys in these oriental countries. The ability to learn via apps and online will make developing these skills more accessible and achievable.

About Us

Paiboon Publishing was established in 1996 in Berkeley, California, USA by Benjawan Poomsan Becker. Paiboon Publishing produces and sells high quality, user-friendly language books, audio files, Smartphone apps and other learning materials that allow people to learn and communicate effectively. Our products are available, online from our website (, on, from distributors in Europe, Singapore and Australia and sold in bookstores throughout Thailand.

Thai Language Hut School established in 2006 is a specialized school delivering flexible private Online/Offline language learning solutions for Thai and English from its base in Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok. The school is owned by Cambridge Language Consultants Co., Ltd a Thai company; people with a passion for imparting language to language learners.


1/ IDC – Smartphone Market  

2/ Internet World Statistics

3/ Interview with Benjawan Poomsan Becker, President Paiboon Publishing (Additional Pictures Available here)

Interview with Benjawan Poomsan Becker founder and President of Paiboon Publishing, Ask the Expert, Thai Language Hut, April, 2013


Nut Shee

Cambridge Language Consultants Ltd

(on behalf of Paiboon Publishing and Thai Language Hut School)