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Thai Vocabulary

Learn Thai Vocabulary | ให้/hâi | For

How to say “To do something for someone “in ThaiGive in Thai Language

Sàwàt dii kâ,

Hi everyone in this Thai lesson we  will learn the Thai words”ให้ /hâi/” which normally means to give but in this lesson we will learn the similar but alternative meaning of this word “ให้/ hâi/For”, which is used to express the idea of doing something for somebody or asking someone to do something for you. This is useful when explaining who will do what for who :-).



pǒm se‛u nǎng-sěu hâi kun

I bought a book for you.


mɛ̂ɛ tam aa-hǎan hâi cha‛n

My mother cooked for me.

3. เขาซื้อกาแฟให้ฉัน

káo sʉ́ʉ gaa-fԑԑ hâi chán

He/She buys some coffee for me.

4. แม่ทำความสะอาดห้องให้เรา

mԑ̂ԑ tam-kwaam sà-àat hͻ̂ͻng hâi rao

Mother cleans the room for us.

5. เลขาฯชงชาให้เจ้านาย

lee-kǎa chong chaa hâi jâao-naai

A secretary brew some tea for his/her boss.

6. แฟนของเขาซื้อมือถือใหม่ให้เขา

fԑԑn kͻ̌ͻng-káo sʉ́ʉ mʉʉ-tʉ̌ʉ mài hâi káo

His girlfriend bought a new mobile phone for him.

7. เขาเปิดประตูให้แม่ของเขา

káo bpə̀ət bprà-dtuu hâi mԑ̂ԑ kͻ̌ͻng-káo

He/She opens the door for his/her mother.

8. เขาไปซื้อน้ำตาลที่บิ๊กซีให้แม่

káo bpai sʉ́ʉ náam-dtaan tîi BigC hâi mԑ̂ԑ kͻ̌ͻng-káo

He/She goes to buy some sugar for his/her mother.

9. เขาขับรถให้ภรรยาของเขา

káo kàp rót hâi pan-rá-yaa kͻ̌ͻng-káo

He drives the car for his wife.

10. พ่อของเขาซื้อเสื้อใหม่ให้เขา

pͻ̂ͻ kͻ̌ͻng-ká sʉ́ʉ sʉ̂a mài hâi káo

His/Her father bought a new shirt for him/her.

Hope this very short Thai lesson will help you learn Thai better.

See you again soon in the next Thai lesson ka.

By  Tik
Thai Language Teacher