Flower names in Thai language
Sàwàt dii kâ. Hi everyone! Do you like flowers? Flowers are popular as gifts or purely for their beauty. Here are the Thai names of some popular types of flowers here in Thailand. ดอกไม้ / dͻ̀ͻk-máai / Flower
1.กุหลาบ /gù-làap / Rose Roses like in the West are often used as romantic gifts.
2.มะลิ / má-lí / Jasmine Jasmine is often used for religious ceremonies being incorporated into complected designs necklaces, wrist bands and formal beautiful shapes and forms. In addition this is the national Thai flower.
3.กล้วยไม้ / glûai-máai / Orchid The orchid is widely associated with Thailand. It is used as the flower of Thai Airways.
4.ลีลาวดี / lii-laa-wá-dii / Plumeria / Frangipani Frangipani can be seen across Thailand. There are two varieties, white and purple/pink. Both varieties have a wonderful sweet nectar smell which you either love or hate.
5.ทานตะวัน / taan-dtà-wan / Sunflower Sunflowers can be seen in the middle and northern Thailand. The fields of sunflowers look very beautiful in the rolling hills of the north. Hope this blog about a few of the flowers in Thailand is of interest. If you want to learn Thai or learn more about Thai Culture you are very welcome to have a look at our blog, YouTube site or follow us in Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin or Google+.
Until next time goodbye 🙂
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By Tik