Visakha Bucha Day (กิจกรรมวันวิสาขบูชา)
Thai May Buddhist Holiday
Visakha Bucha Day is the one of the important days in Buddhism because of 3 important incidents in the life of the Buddha, i.e. the birth, the enlightenment and the passing away, miraculously fall on the same month and date, the Vesak full moon day.
Each year Visakha Bucha Day is celebrate in early May. The day is based on the lunar calendar and hence it does not fall on the same calendar day each year. In Thailand it is a public holiday so government offices, banks and many shops are closed on this day and in respect of the Buddhist day there is no alcohol served on this day.
Lets see what Thai people do on Visakha Bucha Day.
Activities to be observed on Visakha Bucha Day (กิจกรรมที่ควรถือปฏิบัติในวันวิสาขบูชา)
On Visakha Bucha Day, Buddhists all over the world celebrate the great day in commemorating of Buddha’s kindness and compassion to the world. These are some aspects of the activities they observe, namely;
(เมื่อวันวิสาขบูชามาถึงในแต่ละปี ชาวพุทธทั่วโลกพากันเฉลิมฉลองและรำลึกถึงความมีพระมหาเมตตาและพระมหากรุณาของพระพุทธองค์ที่ทรงมีต่อสรรพสัตว์ กิจกรรมเหล่านี้เป็นเพียงบางส่วนที่ชาวพุทธพึงถือปฏิบัติ อาทิ)
– Offering foods to the monks and novices.
– Observing the Five Precepts or the Eight Precepts (depending on which ones they observe).
(รักษาศีล 5 หรือ ศีล 8 )
– Practicing Meditation.
– Listening to the Dhamma preaching.
– Attending the Candle Light Procession around the Buddha’s Shrines.
– Etc…
*Support information by “Phramaha Surasak Suramedhi (Chamaram)”
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By Prae
Thai Language Teacher